Anti Snap/Anti Bump/Anti Pick Locks
With information available on the internet a lot of burglaries are now committed by snapping the euro cylinder lock in two and gaining access through the UPVC door, although a correctly fitted euro cylinder would mean a burglar would have to damage your door handles they could still be inside your property within minutes.
To combat this Anti-Snap Locks have been designed to withstand this type of attack ensuring the safety of the door. Lockkeys Locksmiths St Helens can supply and fit a Anti-Snap British Standard Diamond Grade 3 Star Cylinder lock to your door from just £120 or two locks for £220.
The locks we use have attained the highest standards available in the UK, and we have them on our own door, for details contact Derek your Locksmith in St Helens on 07967-778940.
Please note that although there are locks advertised as Anti-Snap and cheaper they have not attained the Highest Standards and so could be still vulnerable to a Lock Snapping Attack and so we will not supply and or fit these locks please note only 3 star euro cylinders will protect you from a snapping attack and the best of these are 3 star diamond grade euro cylinders.
So whats the difference between a 1 star and 3 star euro cylinder ? The new guidelines to lock out crime are to try and get 3 stars on your door. This could be either a 3 star euro cylinder (of which diamond grade is the highest security) or a combination of a 1 star euro cylinder and two star handles ( there is no two star handles).
Despite some non star and 1 star locks being very good and describes as anti snap only 3 star locks are designed and tested to withstand a snapping attack and as such at Lockkeys Locksmiths St Helens when a customer asks us for anti snap locks we will only supply and fit 3 star diamond grade euro cylinders.