Locksmith Rainford 07967778940
When looking for a Locksmith in Rainford, give Derek or Pam a ring for your free no obligation quote, we are based in St Helens and our Locksmith Son lives in Rainford so can be with you within 30 minutes of your call.
We open locked doors, replace locks, upgrade locks, supply and fit locks and solve upvc door lock problems in Rainford and surrounding areas and being local locksmiths we dont charge a call out fee and dont charge vat and with prices from just £68 to replace a upvc door euro cylinder we are very competitively priced.
When you need a Locksmith in Rainford use a business that is on the St Helens Traders Register which is run by St Helens Trading Standards, we can be found on this site with comments from some of our customers we believe in providng transparent prices and the provision of quality and reliability, give Derek or Pam a ring whatever your lock problem dont put it off it could be cheaper than you think.
Being family owned and run we believe in providing quality and reliability and are here for our customers because without you we wouldnt be here Lockkeys Locksmith Services as a business have grown mainly due to our customers telling others about us and also coming back to us when they need more work doing you cant get better advertising than that.
Lockkeys Locksmiths Rainford Here For The Customer
Being Local Locksmiths Rainford 07967 778940 a lot of our business is conducted as a result of word of mouth we believe in providing quality and reliability becuase that way your more likely to tell others about us and as a result we may get more work.
We also do work for our customers as if we were doing it for ourselves becuase without our customers we wouldnt be here. If you would like a no obligation quote then phone Pam or Derek the business owners hen phone other Locksmiths in Rainford and compare the response and price, then if you would prefer us to do the work for you just ring us back.
A Big Thank You To The People And Children Of Rainford
Being Ex Forces myself and having a distant family member that didnt return to his family after marching into the jungles of Burma in 1943 it was very special to see how the people and children of Rainford showed their respect for this years remembrance, I cant remember a time before this that so many took the time to say thank you.
So from Lockkeys Locksmith Services thank you all very much its much appreciated.
Upvc Door Lock Problems Rainford
If you have a upvc door lock problem then its probably caused by either a euro cylinder problem, door alignment problem or the MPL (Multipoint Lock) itself is failing or failed.
Whatever the problem our Rainford Locksmith Derek is working on these types of locks almost daily and can normally diagnose a problem over the phone before providing a customer with a no obligation quote to sort out the problem.
Some customers prefer to replace locks themselves and here at Locksmiths Rainford we dont blame them as everyone is trying to save some money but please be aware when dealing with multipoint door locks they are not a universal fit and some like the one pictured above is now obsolete so no longer available in this situation you need to get another lock to fit and this may require changing the door keeps as well as the lock itself.
Its the old saying its always easy when you know how but if you dont and would like a no obligation quote from a local family owneed locksmiths then call Pam or Derek on 07967 778940 at Lockkeys Locksmiths Rainford we are here for the customer.
Antisnap Locks Rainford - They Are Not All The Same
When looking for antisnap locks please be aware that they are not all the same. Even though the packaging might say on it that the lock is antisnap, in the UK only 3 star euro cylinder locks are specifically designed and tested to withstand a snapping attack.
Its surprising how many times Derek our Rainford Locksmith is told by customeers that they have antisnap locks fitted when they dont. Antisnap locks can be easily identified as they will have 3 small stars on the lock (see picture above) and of the 3 star cylinders the diamond grade locks are the highest grade.
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Rainford we also supply and fit 3 star diamond grade euro cylinders for those customers that require them. If you would like a no obligation quote for 3 star diamond grade euro cylinders then please call Derek or Pam on 07967 778940.