
Local Locksmiths Why Will They Be Better For Your Pocket ?

by Derek Mercer - 19:48 on 09 June 2023

So I am saying that a local locksmith in St Helens is going to be better for your wallet, then of course im going to say that as we are St Helens locksmiths but what if I can prove it to you ?

Most customers will search for a locksmith online and probably go to the very top of their google search, these are normally google paid advertisements based on the search term you put in and of course to be at the top of google is expensive.

So this cost has to passed onto the customer its simply business. Because being at the top of google is an auction for these keywords then th person who bids the most money will win this is what happens at auctions.

So most paid google ads are from national locksmiths companies who then subcontract the work to a locksmith and then take a large percentage of the final cost of the job. So your national locksmith cannot compete with the prices of a local locksmith and of course being sub contracted the more they charge for a job the more the locksmith will get paid.

Local locksmiths as long as they are not paying for google ads will be less expensive, should be at your property more quickly and of course should anything go wrong during the warranty period tghen you should be able to contact the locksmith directly yourself without the need to go through a call centre.

If you need a locksmith then we suggest you call a few businesses first before you make a decision and of course at Lockkeys Locksmith Services we will be more than willing to provide you with a no obligation quote simply call us on 07967 778940 and we will be happy to assist.


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